Source code for varlink.mock

import datetime
import inspect
import os
import subprocess
import sys
import textwrap
import time
import uuid

import varlink

if sys.version_info[0] == 2:
    raise ImportError("The mock module isn't compatible with python 2")

def cast_type(typeof):
    cast = {'str': 'string'}
    typeof = str(typeof).replace("<class '", "").replace("'>", "")
    return cast.get(typeof, typeof)

def get_ignored():
    ignore = dir(MockedService)
    return ignore

def get_interface_attributs(interface, ignored):
    attributs = {"callables": [], "others": []}
    for attr in dir(interface):
        if attr in ignored:
        attribut = getattr(interface, attr)
        if callable(attribut):
    return attributs

def generate_callable_interface(interface, attr):
    attribut = getattr(interface, attr)
    signature = inspect.signature(attribut)
    params = signature.parameters.values()
    sign = []
    for param in params:
        if == "self":
        typeof = param.annotation
        sign.append("{}: {}".format(, cast_type(typeof)))
    returned = signature.return_annotation
    if returned:
        returned = cast_type(returned)
        doc = attribut.__doc__
        if not doc:
            raise ValueError(
                "docstring format must be:"
                "return name: type")
        doc = doc.replace("return ", "")
        if ":" in doc:
            returned = doc
            returned = "{}: {}".format(doc, returned)
        returned = ""
    return "method {name}({signature}) -> ({returned})".format(

class MockedServiceProcess():
    address = None
    vendor = None
    product = None
    version = None
    url = None
    interface = None
    interface_file = None
    interface_name = None
    interface_content = None
    service_to_mock = None

    def run(self):
        mocked_service = varlink.Service(
        instanciated_service = self.service_to_mock()

        class ServiceRequestHandler(varlink.RequestHandler):
            service = mocked_service

        self.varlink_server = varlink.ThreadingServer(
            self.address, ServiceRequestHandler)

def service_generator(service, info, filename=""):
    with open(filename, "w+") as pyfp:
            Generated by varlink mocking system

            Only for testing purpose and unit testing
        pyfp.write("import varlink\n\n")
        pyfp.write("if __name__ == '__main__':\n")
        pyfp.write("    msp = MockedServiceProcess()\n")
        for key, value in info.items():
            surround = "'"
            if value["type"] == "raw":
                surround = ""
            pyfp.write("    msp.{key} = {surround}{value}{surround}\n".format(
                key=key, value=value["value"], surround=surround))

[docs]def mockedservice(fake_service=None, fake_types=None, address='unix:@test', name=None, vendor='varlink', product='mock', version=1, url='http://localhost'): """ Varlink mocking service To mock a fake service and merely test your varlink client against. The mocking feature is for testing purpose, it's allow you to test your varlink client against a fake service which will returned self handed result defined in your object who will be mocked. Example: >>> import unittest >>> from varlink import mock >>> import varlink >>> >>> >>> types = ''' >>> type MyPersonalType ( >>> foo: string, >>> bar: string, >>> ) >>> ''' >>> >>> >>> class Service(): >>> >>> def Test1(self, param1: int) -> dict: >>> ''' >>> return test: MyPersonalType >>> ''' >>> return { >>> "test": { >>> "foo": "bim", >>> "bar": "boom" >>> } >>> } >>> >>> def Test2(self, param1: str) -> dict: >>> ''' >>> return (test: string) >>> ''' >>> return {"test": param1} >>> >>> def Test3(self, param1: int) -> dict: >>> ''' >>> return (test: int, boom: string, foo: string, bar: 42) >>> ''' >>> return { >>> "test": param1 * 2, >>> "boom": "foo", >>> "foo": "bar", >>> "bar": 42, >>> } >>> >>> >>> class TestMyClientWithMockedService(unittest.TestCase): >>> >>> @mock.mockedservice( >>> fake_service=Service, >>> fake_types=types, >>> name='', >>> address='unix:@foo' >>> ) >>> def test_my_client_against_a_mock(self): >>> with varlink.Client("unix:@foo") as client: >>> connection ='') >>> self.assertEqual( >>> connection.Test1(param1=1)["test"]["bar"], "boom") >>> self.assertEqual( >>> connection.Test2(param1="foo")["test"], "foo") >>> self.assertEqual( >>> connection.Test3(param1=6)["test"], 12) >>> self.assertEqual( >>> connection.Test3(param1=6)["bar"], 42) First you need to define a sample class that will be passed to your decorator `mock.mockedservice` and then a service will be initialized and launched automatically, and after that you just need to connect your client to him and to establish your connection then now you can call your methods and it will give you the expected result. You can also mock some types too, to help you to mock more complex service and interfaces like podman by example. You can define the return type by using the method docstring like the method Test1 in our previous example. The mocking module is only compatible with python 3 or higher version of python because this module require annotation to generate interface description. If you try to use it with python 2.x it will raise an ``ImportError``. """ def decorator(func): def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): with MockedService(fake_service, fake_types, name=name, address=address): try: func(*args, **kwargs) except BrokenPipeError: # manage fake service stoping pass return return wrapper return decorator
class MockedService(): def __init__(self, service, types, address='unix:@test', name=None, vendor='varlink', product='mock', version=1, url='http://localhost'): if not name: module = service.__module__ try: = os.path.splitext(module)[1].replace('.', '') except IndexError: = module else: = name self.identifier = str(uuid.uuid4()) self.interface_description = None self.service = service self.types = types self.address = address self.vendor = vendor self.product = product self.version = version self.url = url self.service_info = { "address": {'type': 'inherited', 'value': address}, "vendor": {'type': 'inherited', 'value': vendor}, "product": {'type': 'inherited', 'value': product}, "version": {'type': 'raw', 'value': version}, "url": {'type': 'inherited', 'value': url}, "interface_name": {'type': 'inherited', 'value':}, "interface_file": { 'type': 'inherited', 'value': self.get_interface_file_path()}, "service_to_mock": {'type': 'raw', 'value': service.__name__}, } self.generate_interface() def generate_interface(self): ignore = get_ignored() self.interface_description = ["interface {}".format(] if self.types: for line in self.types.split("\n"): self.interface_description.append(line) attributs = get_interface_attributs(self.service, ignore) for attr in attributs["callables"]: self.interface_description.append(generate_callable_interface( self.service, attr)) def get_interface_file_path(self): return "/tmp/{}".format( def generate_interface_file(self): tfp = open(self.get_interface_file_path(), "w+") tfp.write("\n".join(self.interface_description)) tfp.close() def delete_interface_files(self): os.remove(self.get_interface_file_path()) os.remove(self.mocked_service_file) def service_start(self): self.service_pid = subprocess.Popen( [sys.executable, self.mocked_service_file] ) time.sleep(2) def service_stop(self): self.service_pid.kill() self.service_pid.communicate() def __enter__(self): self.mocked_service_file = "/tmp/{}".format(self.identifier) service_generator( self.service, self.service_info, filename=self.mocked_service_file) self.generate_interface_file() self.service_start() return self def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): self.service_stop() self.delete_interface_files()